May News - New Wyoming Bucking Horse Batiks Arrived

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
May 9, 2015
New Wyoming Bucking Horse Batiks Have Arrived!
We just got in a new shipment of the Wyoming Bucking Horse Batiks including the Buckskin and Palomino colors, as well as the new Dijon and Cappuccino, which are closest to Wyoming's brown and gold. Quantities are limited so get your order in right away to make sure you get what you want! Call us at 307-334-9963 or stop in the shop.

Dijon Cappuccino
We also got 5 more wildlife batiks, which are available in the store or by phone now and will be available next week to order on the website.

4th Annual Wyoming Quilt and Fabric Shop Hop
Lickety Stitch Quilts is participating in the 4th Wyoming Quilt Shop Hop which will be starting May 30 and end September 4, 2015. There are 27 shops participating this year. Visit each shop and pick up their free 12" block pattern created just for the shop hop. There are great prizes including a Janome Sewing Machine, AccuQuilt Go Fabric Cutting machine, Arrow Sewing Chair and Sewing Cabinet, Custom Machine Quilting of a queen-sized quilt, plus more. Door prizes available at individual shops. Rules regarding how to win are online at www.WSQG.org or click here to download the flyer. There is a facebook page to post your projects and see what others are making from their blocks. https://www.facebook.com/WYShopHop
ROW by ROW Experience 2015

Lickety Stitch is also participating in the Row x Row Experience 2015 from June 21 through Sept. 8. This is a nation-wide (plus some shops in Canada) shop-hop where each participating shop will provide a free row pattern for shop hoppers. We have our Row x Row license plates in stock and for sale now. We are working on developing our row pattern - but can't give it out until June 21. Wyoming has their own facebook page for Row x Row. Check it out here.
BERNINA May Special
Purchase a new Bernina 350PE or 550QE during May and get a FREE Bernina Sewing Chair. These are the most comfortable and adjustable chairs we have found. Plus they are such a cheery bright red with the Bernina Insignia across the back.

Keep track of all our newest fabrics, kits, and shop happenings by following our Facebook page as that is where you will find out Lickety Stitch Quilts news most quickly! Click here or sign up on the home page of www.licketystitchquilts.com.