Sewing Machine Sale, Retreat, and Much More!

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
You know you need a new Sewing Machine when your old one:
....has bad tension; sews crooked even if you haven't been drinking; only works when it wants to, which is not often..... Actually, who needs a reason? We don't have to justify our hobby except to say it makes us happy! In celebration of that fact, this week we are offering deals on all in-stock and special-order Sewing Machines. We have a model just right for every customer - and if we don't have it in stock, we will order it in for you. No-interest payment plans that put a high-quality new machine in reach of everyone with approved credit are available! Choice of Baby Lock and Bernina - both are great machines! Stop in while the selection is good.

Denver Bronco Fans Take Note!!!
Denver Bronco prints in polyester fleece and 100% cotton just arrived today! Limited quantities available, so don't wait if you want some of this. The fleece would make awesome tie-blankets, if you don't want to sew!

Panel Play Book
Customers often comment - I love the panels, but I don't know what to do with them! Here is the answer. Barbara Becker has written the book on using panels - for quilts, table toppers, wall hangings - and many other projects.
New Yummy Soft Cuddle/Minkee Kits
Need I say anything else? If you are a Minkee fan, these new kits are unresistable! Two groupings to choose from - lavender/grey in floral and flourishes or beige/black in geometric and elephants.

Quilting Retreat March 18-19
Join us for a fun two days of quilting and sewing at the Lusk Senior Center starting at 1 p.m on Friday, March 18 through 9 p.m, then start again at 9 a.m. and continuing until 6:30 p.m. on the 19th. Bring your unfinished projects or start a new one - you will be surprised how much you can get done when there are no distractions to contend with! Here is your chance to get help and advice if you have a challenging project going. Friday evening supper and Saturday lunch meals will be provided. In years past everyone has had a great time at our retreats. Bring your machine and supplies plus an extension cord. $30, limited space so register early. 307-334-9963
Can't come to the whole retreat? Come just for the demos!
We invite everyone to join us the Lusk Senior Center on March 18, from 7 to 8 p.m., where we are going to demonstrate some techniques, show off our newest projects, and go over a few fun new products we have come across. There is no charge for this approximately one hour-long session.
Volunteers Needed To Teach Sewing
Wyoming Women's Center in Lusk is looking for one or more volunteers who would be willing to work with the inmates to teach basic sewing skills 4 hours once a month. If you are interested, let us know and we will pass your name on to the WWC.
Silver Cliff Theater Performs March Madness
Silver Cliff Theater, Lusk's finest Theater Company, will be putting on a production March 12th at 7 p.m. and 13th at 2 p.m. at the NCHS auditorium. Mark your calendars so you don't miss it! Jane, who you all know from the shop, is one of the performers and promises the one-act play entitled "Cheating Death" is a show that will keep everyone laughing. As a bonus, the Crooners and Stompers will be performing music and clogging.
2016 License Plate Design Revealed
Lickety Stitch's Row x Row license plate for the year 2016 is on order. We will be announcing when they are available for purchase later in the spring - but we wanted to give you a preview of the design because we think it is really fun!

Basic Quilting Information
Here is a link to some great basic quilting information - tips and techniques to help you in every aspect of making a quilt. AllPeople Quilt.com