
206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Farm Girl Vintage Month 8
We have been so busy at Lickety Stitch that April flew past - here we are May 2 already! Farm Girl Vintage Month 8 blocks are ready to pick up, if you are local. We are mailing out everyone's blocks who is on the shipping plan today, so watch for them in your mail box.
The Wyoming Quilt Trail project is going great guns - in fact, it has been consuming all our spare time and a lot of it that is NOT spare! At last count, we figure there are almost 100 blocks in the works or already hung - so our goal of 100 by June 4 may actually be a reality!
We hope you are all having wonderful busy spring days - but make some time for sewing!
Love, Karen and Jane