Farm Girl Vintage Month 9 ready

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Wow, another month has gone by - and the kits for Month 9 are ready for those of you who have not picked them up yet.
We are going to have a great sale on Saturday, June 4, so plan to stop in the store that day if you are in town. This is in conjunction with the Niobrara Strong Day, the anniversary of the flood. There will be all sorts of fun going on in town - free BBQ, snow cones, 5K color run, golf tournament, inflatable rides, face painting, car wash, free swimming, free admission to Stagecoach Museum... But the sales at Lickety Stitch will be the best deals you won't want to miss!
Just to let you know - we are getting a new quilting machine that will handle king sized quilts - it should be up and operable around the second week of July.
Meanwhile - keep watching for more Wyoming Quilt Trail Blocks - they are appearing all over town, two more were hung yesterday and two today that I know of!
Thanks for being the world's very best customers!
Karen and Jane