Free Fat Quarter and Pattern
Remember that Tuesday, May 17, we are planning an event from 4-7 p.m. to show you what is new. Everyone will go home with at least one prize. At market many of the vendors hand out fun little knick-knacks, pins, bags, patterns - all kinds of goodies - and I am going to give them away as door prizes along with a pattern - as well as a drawing for a pack of fat-quarters. Anyone who is present for the Norwex demonstration at 5 will also receive a fat quarter.
Here are some of the new items on display: Beautiful paper beads and silk scarves hand made in Africa, new colors of minkee in quilt kits, really cute minkee animals incorporated into baby blankets, metallic and verigated threads, wool applique kits, embroidery pattern note cards, the cutest baby shoe patterns, a really fun magnetic pin holder you wear on your lapel, fabrics in fat quarters, 10-inch squares, 2-1/2 inch strips, patterns for quilts, wall hangings, pot holders, children's clothes, bags, baskets, ironing board covers, clothespin bags .... Really you must come in to see for yourself!
In addition, a new group of western prints came in today. I ordered them as a flat-fold assortment sight unseen - so I wondered what they would be like when they arrived. I was very pleased with the selection and the quality - they are all top quality from the same companies from which I order my fabrics. Because they were overstock and not on bolts, I was able to get them at a special price which means savings passed on to you. So make sure you look for them when you come in.
If you have tried to connect to facebook from our website homepage in the past, the button has not worked. However, today we got the connection made so go to the website and click the facebook button to see some pictures taken at market.
See you soon!