206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com Get Ready For Winter Sale! November 17 - November 30
Select group 108" wide backings from Robert Kaufman Fabrics - $8.99 a yard All apron panels - $6.50 each $25 off Fancy Forest Kit and Flight Paths kit. 25% off Remnants and select bolt ends. 50% off Gutermann thread, 110m spools 50% off select grouping of quilt books, coloring books, Zentangle Books.
Sewing Machine Specials We are discounting in-stock models of Babylock, Bernina, and Janome machines, available only in store. Call for an appointment to see what we have available and discuss your sewing machine needs.
Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, November 25 & 26, 2016 Support small businesses on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. Lickety Stitch and several other businesses in Lusk are planning sales events to celebrate and promote small businesses. We encourage you to Shop Small this holiday Season.
In-store Specials for November 25 and 26 include: 25% off all Minkee/Cuddle yardage and kits in stock 25% off all patterns and books in stock
Free pattern with purchase.
Opening 9 a.m both days.
````````````````` Chalkboard Fabric has Arrived For lots of fun ideas for chalkboard fabric check out this link.
New Kits Available French Roses Kit uses a soft edge applique technique, designed by Heather French. Kit contains fabrics for quilt top and binding in soft rose, green and cream hues. 57" x 57"
Big Love Wyoming Big Love Wyoming quilt kit makes a 34" x 34" wall quilt. Kit includes pattern by Dione Roberts and batik fabrics for the quilt top.
Row x Row 2017 Contest The new theme for Row x Row experience 2017 has been revealed and it is: Row by Row, On the Go! What would YOU like our next-year's row to look like? We are going to give our customers a chance to help design an official Row for our shop for next year. The row has to measure 36-1/2 inches wide by 9-1/2 inches tall (unfinished). It must relate to the above-mentioned theme. It can be pieced, appliqued, paper-pieced, or use any generally accepted method of quilt construction. Each entry needs to be quilted and bound and submitted to Lickety Stitch Quilts by April 1, 2017. If your row is chosen to represent Lickety Stitch Quilts for the year 2017, we will purchase the rights to the pattern
Lickety Stitch Is Expanding! Plans are in the works to expand into the building next door, allowing for more space to display products, a large classroom, work rooms, and office space! Things might be in a bit of a jumble during the construction phase of this project later on this winter, but we think that it will be well worth it. Our "new" building is actually an old bank building, built in 1909.