Friday the 13th plans and more

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Friday the 13th of January
will be an especially lucky day for customers of Lickety Stitch Quilts!
13% off Storewide
Buy 12 fat quarters, get # 13 free.
The first 13 customers will get an extra bonus gift.
Out of town customers - call in your order on Friday the 13th to get a 13% off all regular-priced fabric!
Valentine's Day is Fast Approaching --
Are you ready? We have lots of project ideas you can make for your home or for gifts. How about a table topper, table runner, place-mats, napkins, pillow cases...

Heart of My Heart quilt pattern includes CD with PDF files to print templates on fusible web, and files for the Silhouette cutting machine!
Regularly $10 --
On sale for $5 while supplies last!

Support Your Local Quilt Shop Day
January 28, 2017
Save the date and take a road trip to Lickety Stitch Quilts - We are planning special demos, sales, freebies, and everything else that will make it a super day for all our customers. Don't miss it! Guaranteed to be worth the trip and if you don't come, you will be kicking yourself when you hear all the fun we had without you!
Happy Scrappy Pot Holder Exchange.

This is a Just-For-Fun project that promotes the sharing and social nature of quilters. Make a new friend, share a favorite recipe, and get a fun hand-made pot holder with a recipe collection booklet as a bonus!
1. Pick up a Happy Scrappy Pot Holder Kit at Lickety Stitch which includes cotton batting and Insul-brite squares and a blank recipe card.
2. Add your own pretty front, back, and binding to create a fun pot holder. (This is a great use for a left-over quilt block or two! Or check out Pinterest for ideas and inspiration.)
3. Copy a favorite recipe on the recipe card.
4. Bring or send the pot holder and recipe to Lickety Stitch Quilts by February 28, 2017.
5. You will receive in exchange a fun pot holder and a booklet containing a copy of all the recipes we receive.
Cost to participate is $5, which includes the kit.
If you live too far away to stop in to get a kit, you can still participate! Go to www.licketystitchquilts.com and place an order for the "Happy Scrappy Pot Holder Kit". Return the completed pot holder to us in the enclosed envelope before February 28. We will send your exchange potholder and recipe collection after March 1!
Yes, you can make more than one pot holder to exchange if you like.