Draw your Discount Saturday

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
March 15, 2017
One-Day Sale
International Quilting Day, Saturday,
March 18
Draw a discount - from 10% to 30% off! This is on top of sale prices, so stack your discounts to get a great bargain! Applies to all our newest fabrics as well!
Free spool of Gutermann thread with any purchase or any on-line order placed March 18.
Sewing Machine Floor Model Sale
When we move into our newly remodeled store, we will be showing more sewing machines. Meanwhile we have one Bernina 350 floor model which we are discounting $500. If you are looking for a Bernina, come check out this offer!
CAD Club
CAD club participants receive one yard of fabric free each month of the year with the in-store purchase of 3 yards regular price. Don't forget to come in and claim your free yard this month! Haven't signed up yet? Sign up with a $20 purchase this month and start your free yard next month!

Shiny Mix Quilt - Free pattern available at LicketyStitchQuilts.com.
We have a beautiful new collection called Shiny Objects that just might be what you need for your next project! Shiny Mix Quilt is a free pattern showing the versatility of this grouping. You choose two favorite color ways, the pattern shows you how they will look together. Download the pattern link above, and look at page 9 and 10 of the pattern. You will see the 54 different prints available and examples of how they go together. The delicate metallic accents on these pieces lend a very elegant effect. Available at www.licketystitchquilts.com, search for "shiny".
Newest Arrivals
The following groups just arrived and are available in the store. They will be available on the website within a few days. We also have several new colors of minkee/cuddle.

Love, Hope, Faith with Scrolls print and Crosses print on navy, white, or gold.

"Feather Your Nest" panel, along with coordinating prints. Cute chickadees, nest, bird eggs, flowers.

I Love You To the Moon and Back collection and panel. Lambs, elephants, owls and stars in a panel, stripe, chevron, and all over print in delicate tones of grey, turquoise, and yellow.

Hot peppers, anyone? An apron panel, place mat panel, and all-over print will warm up any pepper-lover's kitchen. Available in the store now and on-line soon. If you just have to have any of these, call the store at 307-334-9963. We have been getting so many new fabrics in that it is taking a bit to get all of them entered into the system to show up online, so call to order in the mean time.
New 2017 License Plate Just arrived!

For all you Row x Row license plate collectors - our new design for 2017 came today. You can order yours here - or pick one up when you come to visit.