Jelly Roll Event, Classes, Quilt For a Cause

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
"Sew a Jelly Roll" Event and Sale
September 14,15, and 16

Are you ready to roll? Jelly Roll, that is. Join us at Lickety Stitch as we celebrate National Sewing Month and NSAJRD (National Sew A Jelly Roll Day) BIG TIME, but for 3 days instead of one!
We have ordered in over 50 new jelly rolls so you will have a great selection.
With every jelly roll purchased, get a free Jelly Roll friendly pattern.
These three days only, 10-20% off all Jelly Rolls.
Out of town and not able to join us for the event? We have a plan for you, also - just check our website closer to the date and we will reveal what it is! We promise it will include specials on Jelly Rolls, free patterns, and other good stuff!
Click here for more Jelly Roll fun!
In addition, we will have a new group of $5 yard bolts, plus other great specials for this event. Everyone looks forward to getting a freebie at our events - and we have a great one to offer you this month! A free Block of the Month kit!
Free Block of the Month Kits = Free Quilt in a year
Lickety Stitch has a new program planned for our regular and loyal customers to reward you for coming to our monthly events. September 14, 15, and 16, we will be giving each customer a free Block of the Month kit with purchase, while supplies last. Come to our monthly event for the next 12 months, collect the free BOM kits each month - and in one year you will have blocks to complete a cute quilt project. (The block kits will only be free during the event; however, if supplies last, they will be available to purchase for the month afterwards if you should miss an event.) Watch our newsletters for the dates each month that the blocks are available - they will be associated with events, sales, classes and demonstrations throughout the next year. We will be revealing the three colorways available at the first event this month. First come first served as far as the color-ways go. Numbers will be limited, so plan to come early to get your favorite selection!
Jelly Roll Quilt Contest
Purchase any Jelly Roll and supplies to make your quilt between now and September 30. Save your receipts showing you purchased all the fabrics used in the top at Lickety Stitch. Bring in the quilt top for us to take a picture, or send us a picture of your quilt top by December 31. During January we will post the pictures and allow our customers to vote for their favorite. The winner with the most votes by January 31 will receive a prize for FREE QUILTING of their quilt by Lickety Stitch Quilts!
Quilting for a Cause at Lickety Stitch in Lusk
WANTED: Volunteers to come to Lickety Stitch on Wednesdays in September, the 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th, to sew quilt tops, bags and pillowcases. These quilts, bags and pillowcases will be donated to charitable causes in our community, state, or other areas as needed. We would like to send some to victims of the Houston floods as our first donations. Join us as time permits during these Wednesdays between 9:30 to 5 - an hour, two, as much of the day as you would like. Volunteers will be needed to cut and press as well as sew. Machines will be available to use. Depending on how many projects are made, we may be needing more fabric donations. At present we have plenty of fabric to use for tops, but could use larger pieces for backings and pillow cases. Please call 307-334-9963 if you would like to help with these Sewing for a Cause sessions so we can have an idea of numbers to better plan the projects. If these sessions are well attended, we will continue them throughout the winter.
Pony Express Block Party

Pony Express Block Party coming up - September 9-24 Stop in to get our Pony Express stamp and pattern. We have the pins and Wyoming charms, as well as the complete collection (as of now!) of fabrics. However, they are going quickly and we have been reordering the fabrics every week or so the past month to keep up with demand. Each participating shop will provide a free pattern during the dates above. Our 12-inch block pattern, pictured above, was custom designed just for our shop by Polly Swayne. For more information about the Pony Express block party, visit http://northcott.com.
Beginning Quilting Class
Calling all want-to-be quilters! Here is your chance to learn the basics of quilt-making. Selection of fabrics, discussion of tools and supplies, cutting, sewing, quilting and binding will all be included in this class. You will take home a finished quilt to be proud of. Eight 2 to 3-hour classes, class size limited to 6. $60 class fee includes instruction booklet for your first quilt. Supply list available with registration.
Evening Session:Thursday Evenings 6-8 beginning September 7
Afternoon Sessions: Tuesday afternoons 1-3 beginning September 12
Preregistration is necessary, and please do so as soon as possible so we know how many to prepare for. Call 307-334-9963
We will make every effort to accommodate your schedule, so if these times don't work for you, call and we will see if we can arrange another class time that will work.
Reminder: If you are a CAD customer, make sure you are getting your free yard of fabric the last few months of the year!