Online Orders Only until Further Notice

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Due to the current situation, we are closing Lickety Stitch Quilts to walk-in customers until further notice. We are still available for call-in and on-line orders.
Please call 307-334-9963 if you need something. You may always order online at our website, www.licketystitchquilts.com , click “In-store pickup” and no shipping will be added to your order. We will prepare your order and deliver it to you at the curbside.
We are discontinuing Free Sew Wednesdays until further notice.
If you have registered for a class, we will be evaluating the situation nearer to the date and will inform you if the class is postponed or if it is going to be held. Feel free to call us at 307-334-9963 at any time to discuss the situation.
Staff will be present in the shop during business hours to take calls and deliver orders to the curbside even though the doors are locked. This is a temporary situation and we are monitoring the virus reports and will open again as soon as we feel it is prudent, safe, and the best decision to make for all concerned.
Thank you for your consideration and understanding. Although this is a hard decision to make, with consideration to the health of our employees, families, and customers, we feel it is the most responsible and safest way to go. We love to see you, we appreciate your business and hope we can open our doors again to everyone very soon!