Free Zoom Class coming up

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
April 13, 2021
Facebook Live tonight, April 13, at 5 p.m
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Free Zoom class on Acorn Precision Piecing Products
The makers of Acorn Precision Piecing Products, Bernie and Shelley, are going to present a class exclusive for the customers of Lickety Stitch Quilts on Thursday, April 22 at 10 a.m. You can find the link to the Zoom class here: Acorn Class. We hope to record the class so that it will be available after the live Zoom, but we do encourage all who can to join the class when it is live so you can interact and ask questions. Put it on your calendar for next Thursday. We love these products and use them in our classes and personal quilting. Learn from the experts about products that help to make your quilting more precise!