Link to Precision Piecing Zoom Class

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
The Precision Piecing Class from this morning was interesting and educational. We have had great feedback from several who attended saying they learned a lot. Below is a link to the recording of the class.
Lickety Stitch stocks the products that are shown in the recording so you can purchase them in our shop or on our website. Links to the products are listed below the zoom link. The books referred to are on order and will be in stock as soon as possible. We are looking into a source for the recommended irons. If we find a source we will let you know. Meanwhile, take advantage of this free class to improve the precision of your piecing!
Zoom Link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/QXo3l64RiLINX8RADwNrXmwJoVujIsbN0vcoPTZgx8mm5i7IPO0E4Sc0BeibS_A1.fG1t8QG9_-1Ic_tj Passcode: xZ^D24b5
Easy Press Pen
Easy Press Seam Align Glue 1 oz
Seam Align Glue 4 oz
Easy Precision Starter Kit
Easy Press Nibs 5 pack
Easy Press Fabric Treatment 16 oz
Easy Press Fabric Treatment 4 oz
Easy Press Fabric Treatment gallons are available art Lickety Stitch Quilt Shop in Lusk, Wyoming. We are not shipping them at this time.