Lickety Stitch News

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Three Sisters Block of the Month Sew Along

Colors and settings make such a difference! Kim brought in her Three Sisters Block of the Month quilt and I snapped a picture before she took it home. We love the bright solid colors she chose for her blocks - and the black stripe for sashing adds a great touch of whimsy.
Registration for the BOM program is still open. The cost is $49 for the year-long program and includes the pattern plus one Saturday a month sewing here in the shop with Kim - as well as access to the video she prepares for the block monthly if you are unable to attend the class in person. I am sharing the first month's videos with you so you can get an idea of the great tips and help that Kim provides. That is $49 for the entire year-long program, so this is a wonderful bargain. For more information or to order click here.
Kim prepared two videos for Block 1 of the Three Sisters Quilt Along, and here they are.
Facebook Live tonight (April 27) at 5!
Find us at Lickety Stitch Quilts on Facebook.