108" Wide End of Bolts Sale - 5 p.m. on Facebook

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Facebook Live Feature Today

Our Facebook Live show on Tuesday June 15 at 5 p.m. MT will feature around 20 different 108" Wide Back End-of-Bolt bundles offered at 20% off the regular price. These are one-of-a-kind so the first person to speak for a bundle gets it.
We also will be showing the new items that have arrived this week - some Holiday jelly rolls, layer cakes and charm packs.
We will be sending a free pattern with every purchase from this sale. It is great for block panels or feature fabrics you don't want to cut up small.
If you can't join us at 5 p.m. today, you can always watch the replay. Find us at Lickety Stitch Quilts on Facebook at 5 p.m. MT on Tuesdays.