Weekly Specials and New Kit

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
December 1, 2021
Weekly Sale Items - Dec 1-7
Visit Lickety Stitch Quilts in Lusk this week for the following specials:
Chala Bags and Purses 10% off
Puzzles 10% off
Wyoming License Plate Products 10% off
12" Pillow Forms 50% off
Christmas Fabrics and precuts 20% off
Fall and Halloween Fabric and precuts 20% off
Come into the shop and sign up for our December Table Topper Giveaway. Many of these sale items can be found on the Weekly Specials page of our website.
FaceBook Videos available
We are also giving away another table topper for the month. This drawing will be from all who make comments on our FaceBook posts during the month of December. "Like" and "Follow" Lickety Stitch Quilts on FaceBook to get notifications of any time we are doing a FaceBook Live video. Usually you can catch them at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, although we post at random other times also. All of our videos can be viewed after they are finished, so check out the last few to see what is new in the shop!
New Wyoming Panel Available

This beautiful Sunset Fire panel showing the iconic scene of the Wyoming Teton Mountains and Moulton Barn with a fiery sunset just arrived in the shop. It is 44" x 36" and is available for $12.50 here.
Resplendent Kit

New kit alert! If you love the warm tones of Autumn, this just might be the best kit we have come up with yet! Our Resplendent Quilt kit makes up 87.5" x 102.5" and includes the fabrics for top and binding as well as the pattern. The fabrics are from In The Beginning Fabrics, designed by Jason Yenter. For more information and to order, click here.
Lickety Stitch Quilts will be open all Saturdays in December except for Christmas, December 25.