206 S. Main
Lusk, WY 82225
Open Monday-Friday 10 to 5, Saturday 10-4
We are planning our 2nd Annual Tent Sale Saturday, July 7, behind the shop in the alley. Stop by to take advantage of great bargains on close outs, one-of-a-kind, over- stock, remnants, and odds-and-ends, and other fun stuff.
Lickety Stitch will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th, but open regular hours the rest of the week.
Our newest exclusive kit is "Cherish". Kit contains all materials for the quilt top, binding and quilt back, it is a great buy at the regular price of $89.
SALE - $69 this week only. Limited to stock on hand.
We have a large table of fabrics marked 30-50% off.
The July-August edition of Country Register arrived today, so stop in and pick up your free copy.
The 2012-2013 edition of Quilters Travel Companion is now available. Get yours before they are sold out!
SALE - $69 this week only. Limited to stock on hand.
We have a large table of fabrics marked 30-50% off.
The July-August edition of Country Register arrived today, so stop in and pick up your free copy.
The 2012-2013 edition of Quilters Travel Companion is now available. Get yours before they are sold out!