Jubilation Kits are Ready!

206 S. Main, Lusk, WY 82225, 307-334-9963, www.licketystitchquilts.com
Oh happy day! The Jubilation fabrics arrived and Sarah and Joan have been hard at work getting them cut and packed for the Jubilation kits. We have them ready to ship out or for you to pick up if you are coming to Lickety Stitch Quilts in the next week or so. Do you need anything added to your order? Five Studio 180 Design tools are required - Quilter's Magic Wand, Tucker Trimmer 1, Wing Clipper 1, Square Squared, and Corner Beam. If you need any of these, let me know so we can ship with your kit. Other items that will be mentioned in the pattern you will want to consider having on hand are InvisiGrip (to keep your rulers from slipping), a 6 x 12" ruler with a 45 degree angle marked on it, and a chalk or other fine line removable marking pen/pencil.
We will plan to ship out the kits on December 8 or 9 to the address we have on your order. If you have any changes in address, items to add, or instructions for your order, get in touch today or tomorrow morning so we can make the change. If you live in Lusk, you can stop in and pick up your kit - we won't ship it unless you call and request us to do so!
We will be back in touch with you soon when Jane gets started with the videos.
Thanks so much for your support of our shop. It is what keeps us in business!
Karen, Jane, Sarah and Joan