Niobrara Quilters Group Meeting and Plans

206 S. Main
Lusk, WY 82225
Hello All!
We had a lovely first meeting last Saturday with 9 in attendance. I think our group will grow quickly. Thanks for all who came and their enthusiasm for getting this project started!
I have reserved the Senior Center in Lusk for October 13, November 10, and December 8, which is the second Saturday of the month. There should be plenty of room for everyone to sew there. I will plan to be at the center by 9 a.m. to open up. We didn't establish a time to start at our last meeting, so 9 or 10 will be a good time to show up!
The project planned for October 13 is Turning Twenty. All are welcome to make this project or to bring another project to work on that you might need some help or encouragement on. What about those quilts you started in classes and haven't gotten finished with? This is a great time to think about finishing them.
If you plan to make the Turning Twenty quilt, stop in the store and we can discuss the pattern and get you lined out with fabrics. If you are comfortable cutting the pieces before the meeting, that will make it go much faster for you and you may be able to complete the quilt top that day - depending of course how large of a quilt you plan to make.
Consider as you make your quilt how you plan to finish it. Some choices are: Machine quilt it (OK for small quilts, difficult if the quilt is very big), tie it by hand (using yarn or floss), hand quilt it (plan on this taking a long time unless you are speedy like Dana Williams!), or have it quilted by a long-arm quilting service (like Lickety Stitch!) All methods have their pluses and minuses. The method you choose will help dictate what batting you will want to use (if you are quilting by hand, you want something easy to stick the needle through, for example.)
One of the things I want to do at the meeting in October is a quick little exercise to show each person exactly where a quarter inch seam is on your machine. Unfortunately, quarter inch markings, guides, and feet are not always accurate on all sewing machines so you want to find out exactly where it is on your machine, then you can always get that perfect seam to make your pieces fit much better. I think it would be beneficial each meeting to have at least one technique discussion like this so that we all can become better quilters as a result of getting together. We will enjoy the help and inspiration of those who are more experienced quilters amongst us that can give us pointers and advice.
One item to note - in addition to your sewing machine and necessary sewing notions, please bring an extention cord. The plug-ins are around the walls of the room and it may be difficult to set up the tables close enough to reach them without an extension cord.
If you were not able to come to the September 8 meeting but would like to come to any of the other 2nd Saturday Sewing Days, please call me at 334-9963 and I will put your name on our group list. I am sending this letter out to my entire list this time only - after this it will be to those who express interest in the Niobrara Quilters Group and sewing days only. I don't want to clutter your mail boxes if you are not interested!
There will be no charge for these meetings and they will be a great time to get together with other quilters to chat, sew, and learn. If these go well, we will plan to continue them into the new year on Second Saturdays. You can stop by the store if you want to find out about the project for the next month. Also, if you have something you are working on or that would be of interest to all, please bring it to show everyone else. We love seeing what others accomplish! If you have a technique or project you would like to teach, or something you would especially like to learn, we can schedule that in for a future date.
Interest was expressed in making Quilts of Valor for our servicemen and women from Niobrara County or with local connections. If you would like to be involved in this project, let us know. We may do some additional sewing sessions for these quilts - we need to decide exactly how to go about it - if the quilts will be community projects with everyone working on the same quilt, or if there will be separate quilts made by individuals. Also we need to come up with names and contact information so we don't miss anyone. We appreciate everyone's input.
Karen Wisseman
Lickety Stitch Quilts